
domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

Cooperative learning

- Rol Kids: First of all, they presentated the organization of the presentation and then they explained the ideas about the topic and the class organization. After it, they had a little mistake that was that they understand that the disvantages about cooperative learning were the same that the difficulties, and it was the main idea that I learned. After, they explained the peer tutoring and the group of investigation and the webquest like a resource and after this put a video about the cooperative learning.

- The Differents. La Banda Del Patio and our presentation: In these three presentation were exposed three very good ideas about cooperative learning, and these were: philosophy in the class, the creation of the teams and the rules in the class. About the philosophy, it means that in a class should have a good environment and try that all the children were good like in their houses. The other point was the creation of the teams, that means that the creation of the teams should be with rules that we should set before like put in columns with different characteristics to try to mix the "best" qualified children with the "worst" qualified children. After, they also talked about the webquest and about the jigsaw.

- Escuela de Bocacion: The main idea was the autonomy of students and it means that each student should know abou their responsabilties and they should know manage his learning and try to develop it.  Another point was the teacher planning and it means that if a teacher explain or try to hel t the student in a good way and try to develop his learning and knowledge in them (students) ii will be a good planning.

-Futupasta: They talked about the TAI and TGT. In TAI, they explained that mix the individual work with the cooperative learning. With one topic, they should each one work about it and after each one help to other one to improve the knowledge about that topic. And after, TGT, the classroom is divided in heterogeneous groups based in their capacities. Now, about questions, they should answer them and get the most of the points. This is not a cooperative method, is a competitive method.

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