Well, as I
have been ill the past two weeks I haven’t had the opportunity to enjoy seeing
the other teams presentations in class, but I have seen their blogs and seen
the power points to see what caught their attention about cooperative learning,
and what they that was more important to guide others. Let´s begin:
The Rolkids
Their guide had many content, we can see they paid
more attention to the techniques, as they explained them very well so we understand
them properly. They also have added some advantages and disadvantages about
cooperative learning, as we learnt in didactics, I think this is very
important, because we have to know the drawbacks to try to change them or
decrease its effects, so this helps us to be aware of other activities and
methodologies we can also include in the class.
We can see how in peer tutoring, one student
becomes “teacher” and the other one learns from what he knows, always with
supervision of the real teacher, but it is important that none of them gives
the solution, as they have to be a guide for the student to find out the
solution by himself.
The Differents,
This group has also incorporated the webquest
to the techniques, it is a great way of working all together, as nobody is left
behind, because everyone has something to contribute with to get all together
to the final solution. They have explained very well the way the students and
the different teams must distribute the different rolls to work better as a
group, and highlight the importance of changing the rolls each time. They also
have explained the way students and groups should evaluate themselves and
other teams, to know what to improve and what they have done well for future
tasks, it makes them observe and reflect bout others and their own activities
and the way they have carried them out.
La Banda del
This group has explained to us in what the based
teams consist in, they are those who shouldn’t change unless we do any
other activities with sporadic groups. To create them, it is necessary that
they are heterogeneous, with between four and six people. To achieve this, it
is important that teacher makes the groups, he/she can use many methods to do
it. One of them is a psychometric test, but it is rare, as we need many
information; also the students can choose two other pupils with whom they would
like to be, but this way we could find more differences and some kids could
feel excluded. So the perfect method would be the “three columns” if the
teacher chooses for each group, one student who works advanced and who can stretch
the group (first column), two who are more needed to carry out their work
(third column), and one of the remaining’s of the class (second column).
As the classroom will be the space where we will be
working every day for at least a whole school year, it is important that the
pupils feel comfortable, and to achieve this it is important to set some rules
for a better coexistence in the class. But we also want to motivate them and
let them know that school is a great and fun place where they will learn many things
for their life, so as my group exposed, it could be interesting to have a class
philosophy to catch the attention of the student with slogans, for
instance: “Believe and achieve” or “Be yourself”.
They also explained the jigsaw technique: the
base teams are split up heterogeneously with other members of other teams, they
specialize in a subtopic, exchanging ideas with the other members of the new
group, and then they return to the base groups to explain what they have
learnt. This way all of them are bound to cooperate, and they all feel they are
needed, as each one is a piece of the jigsaw.
Escuela de
The teacher planning is very important to carry
out cooperative learning, the teacher must have a clear and organized idea of
what are her goals and how is she going to achieve them for her students,
without messing them up and being able to show them to work with this method if
they learn not only content, but also they develop the basic competences. In
every moment the teacher must be a guide for them, she/he is not the center of
attention, just a scaffolding.
Autonomy: Is one of the
main skills which students must develop. In cooperative learning the way we
show them responsibility is by giving each kid a different roll inside their
teams, being rotated each time. To reflect their work, they have to elaborate
tables with objectives, functions and achievements of the team.
Another technique is group investigation, which
basically consists in the student choosing their group and what subject they
want to develop, so the teacher then gives them the steps to follow and find
information. From here, each group must elaborate an exposition and answer
questions from others, finally there is a joint evaluation between students and
the teacher. This is a great way of doing expositions, as the proper kids get
more involved as they are able to choose which topic the prefer, and with how
they want to carry out the work.
Futupasta clarified the TAI and TGT techniques:
TAI (Team Assisted individualization):
Its and individualized program in which all the student have the same content,
but each one in a different way, as the teachers adapts it to the diversity of
the class (different needs and multiple intelligences´), then in the base groups
the members help each other to achieve their different goals which accord to
the different levels and rhythms
TGT (Teams Games Tournament):
This time the base group has to split up to win points. Homogeneous groups of
three are formed, they compete to win points by responding correctly different
questions. This is a a great way of making everyone feel involved, as those you
have more needs in their base team, have the opportunity to win the most points
for them, as he is competing with other students who have similar cognitive development
as him.
So as we can see, cooperative learning is a great way
of working in class, and it shouldn’t be a sporadic method of working, we have
to work on it as a content more by using techniques like the ones we have
explained, so with a bit of commitment and organization, you could carry out a
great classroom and achieving all your goals.
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