
martes, 24 de febrero de 2015


Last Thursday, the last two groups presented their project to the whole class. Although we were tired of hearing two weeks the same, we learned new things.

Escuela de Bocación emphasize in the autonomy of the students. This skill is essential for children because obtaining it, they will have the ability to take responsabilities. Moreover, if every child is autonomus, they will progress in group work, so the results of the projects will be better.
Apart from that, they talked about an interesting concept, which is the scaffolding. This concept means the following, everyone in a new situation needs someone to guide them, so in this situation, the teacher should be the scaffold. Then, when the students dominate the topic, they do not need the teacher no more, so they take out that scaffold and keep on growing. By the scaffolding, they gain self-confidence, which increases autonomy.
Another important concept that they innovated was the "Multiple intelligences". It's very important that the teacher knows the type of intelligence of their students and just in that way organize the contents and the way of making the class work.

Futupasta innovated in talking about TAI and TGT, which are different techniques to apply cooperative learning in a classroom. First, TAI technique mixed cooperative learning and individual work. Every student has the same topic but depending on their level, they have different objectives. The class is divided in heterogeneous based teams. The main objective of this activity is improving as a group by helpingeach other, if the achieve this they will be rewarded. Finally, TGT (Teams Games Tournament) technique, the class is divided in heterogeneous groups based on the capacity of each student. The main objective is learning and understanding what the teacher explains and then don´t leave students behind. The activity will develope in this way: the teacher will distribute the class in groups with the same capacitites. Then, they will pick a card and answer the question on the card. Finally, each member's points will go to the base teams.

To sum up, the groups developed their presentations in an organized way, so t was easy to understand the main ideas. As I said before, we have seen lots of presentations with the same topic but each has a different point of view.

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