The last day of exposition about the ideal school, the first group was the our, but later showed the group of "Escuela de bocacion".
For me this video was de best,I really enjoyed with him and also I understood all the ways to see the ideal school. I like the main ideas like,for example, shouting and send to do a lot of homework is very negative for the children. The children need a personal approach, and also they need have free imagination and creativity. As well it is very important have cooperative learning, where everybody can teach each other. And the teachers should support the autonomous learning and the parents can participate in all the process.
And other group was "La banda del patio". This group did a video about a chapter, and they put the voice of the characters, and explained their ideal school. I don't understand very well the explanation, but I chose the idea about the final note. They show that the note is no the more important thing, most important is the development. Also it is important to have the same relation with all the students.
The final video was the video of "Rolkids". I did not like , because they repeat the same ideas a lot of. I think that they would make better if they make a only video about all the ideas. The meaningful learning it is a pertinent to the ideal school. And also share responsibilities between all the students and the teacher. I like the idea of professional community learning and the integration in the school. I agree with their ideas and also i think that if they make one video in common with their ideas, could have been a much better video.
I really love all the videos and I think that all the groups have make a big effort to record their videos, and this is a satisfaccion for all.
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