
jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015


Two lessons ago, last Tuesday 17, the groups; The Differents, La banda del patio and Rigatoni's Angels, presented their project about cooperative learning.

In general, the presentations were well-organized and complete. Above all, I have to emphasize in some important concepts that weren't explained before. Those concepts are the philosophy of the class, classroom rules, based teams distribution and the webques.
Philosophy in a class is very important because the teacher has to teach some values for being good mates, moreover it makes them realize the importance of cooperative learning, or tu put it simple, work in groups. Also, the teacher has tu use and emphasize in some slogans like "Here is space for everyone". 
Another essential point showed was the importance of the rules for working in groups. Some of them are "Share everything", "Be respectful" or "Respect other's opinions"
What wasn't named before about based teams was the distribution. One way is that the teacher by a sociometric test choose the students and distributes the groups. Another way for doing that is by letting them choose because this gives a lot of information to the teacher. Finally, the third way is by making three columns, in the first one are the capable ones, in the other side the "needly" ones and in the middle the rest of the class. The groups are made picking one student from each column. 
To finish, I'll talk about the webquest, which is a new toolfor using cooperative learning  where students are given a task and provided with access to online resources to help them complete the project.

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