
viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

Cooperative Learning II (17/02/2015)

I am going to write in this post about the class of the tuesday. First of all I am going to talk about the resource of the WebQuest. This method is based in internet, the teacher would create a WebQuest about the topic of the class,the children will could see in their houses ,and make it with their partner in the informatica classes. Also I think that is a motivation method for the kids, because in the index of the WebQuest, the teacher could write a interesting history to the material. As well as all the children need to work together and individually, and they can know their notes in the table of evaluation.

In the cooperative learning you can make a lot of forms of groups, and of these is Base Team. In this distribution, the teacher make the groups with a sociometric test to obtain information from each student and then forms the groups. Also the teacher can make groups would create three columns, and in the first the students most application, in the middle the normal students, and in the last one the less application. And then mix , one of the first, two of the second and one of the last.

The philosophy of the class would be the same of cooperative learning, transmit to the children the importance of the slogans and working in groups. One important thing is the rules for working in groups, that all the teacher need to explain to the children. You have to be responsible, you have to be respectful and you have to be safe.  

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