
jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

The Presentations on Tuesday (17.02.2015)

      Three groups including ours, which are "Differents" , "La Bando del Patio" and "Rigatoni's Angels" respectively, presented on tuesday.Although the topic is the same, because each group has a different point of view, there occurs new ideas and new information all the time.There were some points which were new to us or more emphasized.

      As two of the groups explained the Jigsaw technique and showed videos about it, I think this technique is understood better and will remain in people's mind. The main purpose of this technique is that the students need each other. Here how it happens : In a heterogeneous group of 4 or 5 people, every student has a small piece of the same topic. For some time, each student searches information about their own pieces. And then, people with the same piece of the topic come together and become a group of experts. When they know all the details about their own piece, they go back to their original groups and tell them what they have learned. So, all the members of the group need each other to complete the knowledege of the topic.

      A webquest is an inquiry based online tool where students are given a task and almost all of the information that the students use comes from the Web. And it gives importance to analysis, creativity and critisism rather than just acquiring the information. In the webquests that promote learning have 6 common attributes. "Introduction, Task, Project , Resources, Evaluaton, Conclusion." I think it is a new and modern way of learning in a cooperative way. Because techonolgy is a part of our lives, we should also use it in our teaching methods.

      What our group mentioned about forming base groups is to make a sociometric test which is needed to gain information from the students and to let the students know each other better ; and forming three columns. The ones who know about the subject, the ones who need help and the rest of the class. I learned that each group must contain one student with a high level, two students with a medium level and one with a low level. And also we didn't know that letting the students choose their groups was a way of forming sporadic groups. Because if done so, the group has the possiblity to become more homogeneous than heterogeneous, which is against the rules of base-team.

      What was different about the group La Banda Del Patio was that the groups need a written equipment plan so that it is not forgotten and in order to be shown later.

      There were two things which attracted my attention about the group "Differents". One of them is "different academic levels" written in the part of the difficulties, but the teacher said that being able to work with students with different academic levels is the main purpose of cooperative learning so it can by no means be a difficulty. And the other one is peer tutoring takes one session, it isn't at the end of the lesson.The subject to be studied by the students is certain and the teacher knows what they are studying.

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